About Us

Hello, Welcome to Derate

DERATE EXPORTERS PRIVATE LIMITED is a Hyderabad based Merchant Exporting Company also having its place of business in Ahmedabad. We believe in working towards excellence in exporting which prompt us towards customer oriented service culture. Our team comes with several years of industry experience, and comprise of a highly motivated set of specialists into various product line especially in Food and Pharmacy sectors.

Our Products

What We Do

Merchant Exporter

We are engaged in trading and exporting activities who intend to export the goods at competitive price outside India.



The Company procures the order from international market and then the same order is executed by our tie up suppliers from India.


Merchant Importers

We are engaged in trading and importing activities who intend to import the goods at competitive price from outside India.



The Company imports on behalf of resident buyer at viable price from international market.

Certified By


1. How do I find out the total cost of my proposed consignment?

You call us or send an email or fill in a form on the Contact page of our website.

As the cost of the project depends on many factors, such as a particular service you are interested in, the country you plan to enter, the products or services you sell as well as other things, we send you questionnaires you fill them in and send them back.

We make a free estimate on this basis and tell you what will be the cost of your consignment.

Yes, it’s possible. You fill in the questionnaires we send to you. We make a free estimate on this basis and email it to you. However, most of our clients prefer to meet in person or have a call with us at least. In this case you receive a half hour free preliminary consultation.

The company only deals with Letter of Credit (L.C) based transactions accordingly the mediators from home and host country will be acting on behalf of parties generally mediators under L.C based transactions are banks & financial institutions.

All prices quoted are in US dollars plus applicable taxes. We accept Canadian and US dollars. The payment will be 100% in advance only, however based on trustworthy relationship with clients allows company to relax term as mutually agreed.

The services and its total cost are fixed in the agreement and don’t change during the project unless you decide to modify the scope of the services.

Derate Exporters have already been working since several years with experienced international business consultants and international trade professionals (lawyers, customs brokers, logistics and insurance companies, translators) to advise you on a broad range of compliance issues.

We specialize neither on country nor on industry because we care for you and your individual needs. By employing consultants with various country and industry backgrounds we are able to:

  1. Offer you a non-monopoly price based strictly on hours dedicated to your Consignment.
  2. Find non-linear and out-of-the box solutions for your products.

Specializing in definite countries or industries can result in monopolization. Moreover it can narrow strategic thinking and burden clients to pay more.

free consultation
